Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A  young  boy to his father
 =where  were  you  born , -dad?
father =  Boston .
" Mom ,you were born where? '
Mother = Florida
Son = where was  I  born, then ?
Father=Los Angeles

=" So  strange ! how we met together , dad'
The father looked non-plus ed !
[Read  somewhere long back ]
MEDICAL  HELP  &  UTILITIES  FOR POLITICIANS____________________________

Mild  Heart attacks   >  Escape route   or push-out  root  from power 
                                     when  conditions  worsens  for the top Leaders.
Chest Pain -> When non-Bailable warrants  are on  the line of issue 
                     on  Corruption charges against  big Politicians.
ICU  ---------> If  ARREST  warrants are impending   regarding big 
                       Scams  r.g CW G or  2G -games or Cash -for - vote etc


**** And GOD  then  said  -- ' Let there  be 5-star  DI HAR   JAIL  for ARRESTED   POLITICIANS , M.P-s  and MINISTERS  for the sake of their comfort.

Now about  Slap or slaps ; 
1. I think a slap is  not  a case of violence. In childhood (1930s) my mother slapped  me  quite often and in my opinion , I deserved it and it helped me for my progress.
II. When a political leader or Minister slaps a man or a lady ( e.g in UP , India) it is neither violence  nor told as 'great News' for MEDIA. But when a Commoner slaps a  grade  I Cabinet Minister, it becomes great news  and  media  makes Chi ken-tandoori out of it and the news is cooked , recooked   and made  very spicy and  there is great sale and profit.
 But when  Ladies or even teachers  are assaulted  in full public view (Punjab) , the PARLIAMENT  do not find it worth mentioning , leave apart, raising voices any time..
      So  CONSTITUTIONAL  AMENDMENT should be introduced in Parliament   to  make   slapping  Corrupt Politicians / ministers and declaring it 'Non-cognizable , non-offensive behavior.

        MODEN  RHYME

One slap or two ; buckle my shoe
three  or four; no - no and no more
five and six ; do not take risk
seven and eight;  speak  out straight
Nine and ten  ; hell   for you   or  Heaven ?
একে  বাপ   তার  উপর  বয়সে   বড়  !

 প্রায়  একই  বয়সের    ১৮ -১৯  বছরের  চার-পাচটা   ছেলে-বন্ধু   অন্য  পাড়ার  রাস্তার  মোড়ে  দাড়িয়ে  আড্ডা  মারছিল | 
হঠাত  একজান  বয়স্ক  ভদ্রলোক  সেখানে  হাজির|  কিছু  কথা -বার্তার  পর হঠাত ভদ্রলোক  একটি   ছেলে কে   খুব বকে ঝকে  গট-গট করে চলে গেলেন !
 বন্ধুদের মধ্যে একজান   শেষে  না  বলে  পারলনা :
=  এত  বকলেন  তোকে , তুই  শালা  কিছু   উত্তর  দিতে  পারলিনা ?
একটু  চুপ   থেকে  ছেলেটা   বলল :
=  কি  বলব  বল  ? ------  একে  বাপ !   ---তার  উপরে   বয়সে  বড় !

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Irish  Joke:
 Doctor to the elderly  patient in a  Injury -Clinic:
= Well sir, how it happened happend ?
Patient = I fell down on the floor .
doc , = so it was the fall that broke your---
 = no  Doc  ! not the fall  ; --but the stop that did it.
The smiled back at the patient and looked , -'defeated' !
How Lucky !( gathered story)

In a Clinic, where patients were waiting, a child to his father ;
=  dad, what the patient is suffering from?
= Diabetes.
= what is diabetes dad ?
 = he produces lot of  sugar in his  blood .
The boy   looked at he patient , walking out and then turned to his father to wonder;
= how lucky he is dad !
The father turned to his son  to say;
=not now, son ! -keep that candy back in pocket.This is a clinic , son !