Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Now about  Slap or slaps ; 
1. I think a slap is  not  a case of violence. In childhood (1930s) my mother slapped  me  quite often and in my opinion , I deserved it and it helped me for my progress.
II. When a political leader or Minister slaps a man or a lady ( e.g in UP , India) it is neither violence  nor told as 'great News' for MEDIA. But when a Commoner slaps a  grade  I Cabinet Minister, it becomes great news  and  media  makes Chi ken-tandoori out of it and the news is cooked , recooked   and made  very spicy and  there is great sale and profit.
 But when  Ladies or even teachers  are assaulted  in full public view (Punjab) , the PARLIAMENT  do not find it worth mentioning , leave apart, raising voices any time..
      So  CONSTITUTIONAL  AMENDMENT should be introduced in Parliament   to  make   slapping  Corrupt Politicians / ministers and declaring it 'Non-cognizable , non-offensive behavior.

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