Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Abraham Linccoln was one day polishing his shoes himsef while on President's chair. There came one (senator or high official, I don't remember as read long back ).

He wanted to impress the President and said --'Sir you are yourself polishing your shoe'!
Lincoln turned to him while still polishing, added -'Yes I do ; but whose shoe you polish , sir ?
Guess, how the admirer looked,on the spot !
Winston Churchill while in Parliament , used to stand at the entrance-door and scan the faces of Ladies(parliamentarians) and write someththing on his note -pad.
A friend -parliamenterian one day teased him -- 'with what pretence are you standing at the door and looking at ladies?'
Chrchil posed serious and replied - 'I was recording (after 'Helen of Troy),how many ships could each face sink '.
And what is the result ? // Churchil reported --'None more than 10o'.
** Helen's record was 1000 ships .

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