Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mr. Hanuman Babu Lost His Other Tail !

I was betwwen 10 to 12 yrs of age . Born and living the village life. It was PUJA Time( Pre-autumn Festival in Benga(1930 -40). The folk-theatre group came to perform RAM-JATRA.. They were about 15 in number and came on two boats.---The befor the Play , in the evening, my auntie (Pisi-ma) took me to the place where they put up the tent.-----and there was great commotion..
The Hanuman Babu (the great Monkey of prince Rma on exile--- Usaually is adressed by the name of the role they are given) came rushing with a swinging hurricane lamp and reported to the head of the troupe ; Sir, I new 2nd big tail is missing'||--- Where did you keep it " ---the manager asked asked . ||' I kept it hanging " the reply ||' Thundered the manager --- ' Is the tial ever made to be kepit hanging?|| Sir I just was checking, if the new tail fits me ---'|| -----Sharp came the rebuke --'' have you ever seen a Hanuman to whom a tail does not fitt --- ? Any way ! borrow a tail from SUGREEB _Babu(another character) for to morrow , if you don't find it.-- Now get off .'----

Hanuman-babu almust jumped out! [ from child hood memory ]

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